#recurse center
Recurse Center Day 9: A Peer-To-Peer Chat System
Today I worked on a fun 'lil set of p2p exercises written by mafintosh. I wrote a very basic p2p chat tool, which at the moment requires that the network be fully connected, or rather that each node in the system is connected to every other node.
Recurse Center Day 8: Hamming Weight: I Am So Confused
I'm reimplementing my cryptopals solutions in Python, and today I worked a challenge that required me to calculate the Hamming distance between two equal-length strings.
Recurse Center Day 7: I Moved Fast and Broke Things
Today I moved fast and broke things -- this site to be specific -- but it's all OK because I know what went wrong and (I think) I know how to fix it!
Recurse Center Day 6: Raft's Safety Argument and Cryptopals Round 2
Today I read a lot. Per the recommendation of Mike Nielsen, I'm working through The TCP/IP Guide and practicing working with Wireshark along the way.
Recurse Center Day 5: Heaps, Logarithms, and Interviews
Today was great. Something I'd been trying and failing to understand for days finally clicked, and it feels so good. Basically I didn't intuitively understand why an algorithm is O(log n) or O(n log n), but now I do!
Recurse Center Day 4: Tara Learns to Sort
I don't have a formal CS education, so one thing I'm focusing on at RC is filling in the gaps in my knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Today I focused on sorting algorithms.
Recurse Center Day 3: Asking for Help
Today was marked by the realization that when one asks for help at the Recurse Center, amazing things happen.
Recurse Center Day 2: Pairing Is Great
Today was the first "regular day" of RC, wherein the schedule was structured as it will be for the remainder of the batch. I started the day with two goals:
Recurse Center Day 1: New Faces and W-Shingling
Today was the first day of the Recurse Center. I've understood for a while that RC is a special place that attracts special people, but experiencing it firsthand was better than I could have imagined. I met so many smart, curious, and kind people and I can barely believe I have the opportunity to be colocated with these folks for three whole months!
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