Today was marked by the realization that when one asks for help at the Recurse Center, amazing things happen.

I woke up this morning with the intention of addressing the issue with my zsh configuration as quickly as possible. The bug had dragged on to the point that I was thoroughly frustrated, so before I spent any time tackling it myself, I asked for help in zulip and sure enough a bunch of folks jumped in with suggestions. Not only did I figure out the bug in ~30 min, but I also got a number of recommendations and resources for leveling up my zsh configuration.

On the suggestion of an RC alum, I reached out to David Branner for butcher and deli recommendations. She told me that he knows the city incredibly well and would likely be able to help me find some places that suit my dietary preferences. I expected a friendly response at most, but instead David offered to meet me at RC and show me around Chinatown. He spent 3 hours giving me a world-class tour of the three Chinatowns (I had no idea there were three!), imparting his wisdom about navigating the city, sharing historical tidbits about the area, and teaching me about the many varieties of unfamiliar meats available for purchase, both prepared and raw. I'm a carnivore who loves organ meats, cartilage, skin, and other animal parts that most Americans avoid, so having access to Chinatown and feeling comfortable navigating its restaurants and supermarkets is a blessing.

Some other things I did:

  • Started publishing publishing my reading notes
  • Completed another hackerrank challenge
  • Read one of Blockstack's whitepapers
  • Worked on my password manager. I haven't been moving as quickly as I'd like on this, so tomorrow I'm going to see if anyone who knows Rust is willing to pair for a while.
 Previous:  Recurse Center Day 2: Pairing Is Great